Lidia Thaler

A woman wearing a scarf and a jacket is smiling for the camera.

Lidia Thaler

Ms. Lidia grew up in Guatemala City where she graduated as a Preschool and Kindergarten Teacher from a renowned school for teachers. She moved to Arizona in 2012 and started working as a float and Spanish assistant at a Montessori-inspired School. Ms. Lidia fell in love with Montessori and acquired her AMI Diploma in Assistants to Infancy (0-3) and Primary (3-6) from the University of Vic in Barcelona, Spain. She loves working in the Infant (Toddler) Community and has over 11 years of experience working with children this age. Ms. Lidia also has four years of experience working in a Primary environment.

She has taken a "break" from the classroom for the last two years and has been working as a Training Assistant for a well-known international AMI trainer. Ms. Lidia has had the opportunity to assist in training in Poland, Spain, Portugal, Denver and Arizona. While doing so, she expanded her Montessori and Child development knowledge and got the chance to experience new cultures and languages. While experiencing working with the adults in training, Lidia took to heart what Dr. Montessori said once: "We have come together in this way because we have touched a point which is common to all cultures, nations, societies, religions ... the child."

Ms. Lidia has missed working directly with the children and the desire to get back into a classroom has been growing. She is happy to join the Heartwood team as an Infant (Toddler) Community guide and is ready to do so with joy, love, and peace.

Ms. Lidia enjoys traveling; discovering a new place brings joy to her heart! Ms. Lidia enjoys being at home with her husband and cats in her spare time and loves to cook.

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