Resume and Qualifications of all Lead Guides are available in the office upon request.
Point of Contact for Public Records Request:
Nikki Jackson
207 N Mesa Dr, Mesa AZ 85201
Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.02, Heartwood AZ hereby states that all notices of the meetings of the Heartwood AZ School Board will be posted at the front door on the bulletin board and on our website. The location is open to the public at all times. Such notices will indicate the date, time, and place of the meeting and will include an agenda or information concerning the manner in which the public may obtain an agenda for the meeting.
Pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.) 38-431.02., notice is hereby given to the members of the Heartwood AZ School Board and to the general public that the Board will hold a meeting open to the public as specified below. The Board reserves the right to change the order of items on the agenda.
One or more members of the Board may participate in the meeting by telephonic communications.
In accordance with Title II of the American Disabilities Act (ADA), this board does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission to and participation in Board Meetings. Persons with a disability may request a reasonable accommodation. This notice and agenda may be made available in an alternative format. (In compliance with 28 CFR. Sec 35.163(a)
Pursuant to (A.R.S.) 38-431.01.A.2. and A.3. the Board may vote to go into Executive Session, which will not be open to the public, for legal advice concerning any item on this agenda or to review records exempt by law from public inspection.